Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rite of Passage

DISCLAIMER:  I know that there are some of you who are going to think that this is totally unsafe and you will want to call and report me for endangering my child.  First of all, my Husband has ridden a motorcycle his whole life, It's possible he is more stable on two wheels than on his own two feet.  Second of all, he never goes out of first gear.  Third and most importantly, Ben or I would NEVER do anything that we thought might put our kids in harms way, we are responsible parents.
(If you don't count letting them eat Zingers for breakfast and dinner :))

In every family there are certain milestones that everyone looks forward too.  In our family a child's first motorcycle burn with Daddy is a major one. When Ben unloaded his motorcycle on Saturday night, Ally's time had come.  And of course just as we suspected, she was in heaven, we are pretty sure she is going to be a little daredevil.

"Let me get back on there Daddy... I will drive this time" :)  Ben's face is so dirty because he had just gotten home from riding with his friends.  His helmet only lets the dust get to that bottom part of his face making him look a little funny.  I like having some pictures of it though, I always want to remember how he looks when he comes home from having a little fun.  I think that pictures of my kids and their Daddy on the motorcycle are some of my favorites of all time.  These are some of Ty and Ben a few years ago, not Ty's first ride, but one of my favorite pictures ever.  I told Ty that he had smile for me before they left, so he gave me this huge fake cheese so they could get on their way.  I still have it in my kitchen, It makes me smile everyday.

Also, the last two days to see the Peteetneet Quilt Show is Monday and Tuesday, 10 - 4.  We have had such a great time this year.  Thank you to everyone who has come and participated and helped out.  


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